New DVD Lesson



Dear Visitor


Join David in this wonderful Gudbrandsdal inspired painting.  For centuries the Norwegian Rosemalers have advanced and created new forms of Rosemaling.  The the original start in early Hallingdal to the later variations of Romsdal and Gudbrandsdal Rosemaling has a rich and colorful history of evolution and stylistic changes. 

Today, David present his contemporary interpretation of Gudbrandsdal with new creative flowers and scroll techniques.  As artists before us, change is necessary for the life and popularity of the styles.  Finding new ways to create the style keeps it interesting and alive.

Join David in the 3 hour study of the techniques and modern adaptations.  He will talk about history, color and show you some new techniques and different ways to approach this beautiful style. 



DVD1118will show you new techniques for contemporary scrolls and roses.  Click here to see in the store....  DVD1118







If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at   As always thank you for your support and we look forward to rosemaling with you this year!


Martha, David, Jessica and Dave P.