Warm up with Alla Prima Florals


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Newsletter Banner1Vol 378               January 2025               jansenartstore.com



Dear Visitor

Outside, the world is icy and cold,

but in our studio, a creative garden is blooming!

Newsletter youtube

David's brush is filling up a new video page

with vibrant, joyful paintings. 

Banner Santa news

Enjoy hour after hour of creative instruction

and encouragement - for free! 

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Click Here to Explore Alla Prima Lessons

 Want to connect with other artists? 

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Join us on MeWe!

Find Jansen Art Studio and the Heritage Acrylic Artist Group to read informative posts by David and build a growing, positive community of artist friends. 

You might have noticed a few changes....

Newsletter paint 
We are updating our logo!

.... but don't worry, the paint is the same! 

The ever-inquisitive, always inspiring

little Carolina Wren is brightening up our new packaging!

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Thank you for your patience as we transition to new labels 

 Newsletter colors

We are here to help you on your creative journey.

Please reach out if you have questions along the way!

Best wishes,

Jansen Art Studio

David & Martha Jansen

Jess J. & Dave P.