Swainson's Hawk: A New Creative Corner Design



Dear Visitor

Introducing Swainson's Hawk, a popular resident of the Great Plains. These powerful raptors were named after the first artist to document them, William John Swainson.


Preview CC112 Swainsons HawkNow Available in the Creative Corner
Swainson's Hawk

In this lesson, David demonstrates how to capture the rich russet tones of Swainson's Hawk. Explore layered feathering techniques that contrast a simple, effective, vignette. 


 Save 20% on this release until Nov 5th 
Jansen Art Online



Also available:

Newsletter shipAdding Sails 

Coming Soon:

Newsletter southSouth Before Winter


Other Painting Ideas:

Wild 1Eagle Watch Wild 9Painting Rocks & Water
Wild 9Textured Seascape Wild 9The Kingfisher
Wild 9Snowshoe Hare Wild 9Diamond Peak
Wild 9Painting Westerns Wild 9Great Horned Owl





 Happy Painting!




Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

The Jansens