Mixes below use the 6 color basic set. Some colors are then expanded with the palette mixes found on Palette Mixes Page
Example- 4 parts Hansa, 2 parts Black, 1 Phthalo Blue, 1 Red Violet
Below are some of the colors we used to create the unique backgrounds of the Paint It Simply program. These colors are created from some of the popular designer colors used today. Mixing these colors are easy. We highly suggest that you make your palette before making these colors because sometimes you will find the palette colors used to alter the tone of these background colors. Note: It will be difficult to match the color you see here because these colors may vary a little depending on your computer monitor. The basic rule for color harmony is a common color. You will notice that all colors used in the backgrounds contain a touch of Base Brown or the Red + Black. This is a common color in the program and when you make any color....any color, it will have harmony and beauty with all the other colors as long as a touch of that color is included in the mix. Let the colors be slightly different, and give yourself the freedom to alter the colors to what you like!!!!!!
2 parts Toned Dark Green + 1 part Hansa Yellow + 1 part Titanium White
4 parts Hansa Yellow + 2 parts Carbon Black + 1 Part Phthalo Blue + 1 part Red Violet
3 parts Titanium White + 1 part Hansa Yellow + touch Base Brown
1 part Toned Orange + 2 parts Titanium White + touch Red Violet + touch Base Brown
1 part Carbon Black + 1 part Phthalo Blue + 2 parts Base Brown + 2 parts Base Green, lighten with touch Titanium White.
2 parts Lava Grey + 1 part Titanium White
2 parts Toned Dark Green + 1 part Hansa Yellow + 1 part Titanium White
1 part Titanium White + touch Base Brown + touch Hansa Yellow
1 part Toned Lilac + 1 part Titanium White
1 part Titanium White + 1 part Bartlett
Titanium White + touch Red Violet + touch Phthalo Blue + touch Carbon Black
2 parts Red Violet + 1 part Naphthol Red Light + touch Carbon Black.
1 part Safari Night + 1 part Travertine
12 parts Hansa Yellow + 1 part Naphthol Red Light + 1 part Carbon Black
1 part Medium Barlett + 1 part Hansa Yellow + lighten with Titanium White to desired color
1 part Toned Orange + touch Medium Blue
1 part Medium Blue + 1 part Red Violet + touch Titanium White
Titanium White + 2 touches Hansa Yellow and 1 touch Carbon Black
Medium Blue + touch Red Violet + touch Titanium White
1 part Hansa Yellow + 1 part Titanium White + touch Base Brown and Base Green
1 part Base Toned Yellow + 2 parts Titanium White
Titanium White + touch Pale Sapphire + touch Base Toned Yellow
created by
Jansen Art Studio Inc..